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Call for proposals for best practices in Adult Education in West Africa

The Pamoja West Africa network is calling for applications to select best practices in Adult Education in West Africa from fragile countries.

1.      Purpose and objectives of selection

1.1    Purpose

The aim of this selection is to promote good practices in the area of young and adult education implemented by civil society organizations in the fourteen member countries of Pamoja AO in general but particularly in countries such as: Burkina Faso Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives assigned to this process are to:

•        Identify good adult education practices in targeted fragile countries;

•        Give prizes to the organizations implementing the good practices identified;

•        Document identifiedgood practices of adult education;

•        Disseminate good practices at local, national, regional and international levels.

2.      Expected results

At the end of the selection process:

•        five good practices of adult education implemented by CSOs / NGOs from fragile countries such as Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria and Sierra Leone are selected;

•        the organizations implementing good practices are awarded;

•        5 documents of good practice in adult education in West Africa are developed and disseminated within the partner networks of PamojaWest Africa and to the governments of member countries.

3.      Selection process

The selection process will follow three phases: the pre-selection phase of good practices, the consolidation phase and the publication phase.

4.      Selection criteria

4.1    For organizations

Civil society organizations that meet the following criteria are authorized to tender:

•        Be a non-political, non-profit local, national or international organization in the education sector or in the promotion of SDG-4;

•        Have a clear legal status;

•        Be officially registered and operating in one of the fourteen member countries of Pamoja West Africa.

•        Have at least five (5) years of experience in the education sector, specifically in the field of literacy and adult education.

4.2    For the best practices to be submitted

Good practices must meet the following conditions:

• Be implemented between 2017 and 2020;

• Specifically target young people over 15 years of age and adults in rural and urban areas, including in family literacy and intergenerational learning approaches;

• Have an original and innovative character.

5.     Documents required

Interested organizations must send their application no later than September 25, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. (Cotonou local time: GMT + 1) to the e-mail addresses and  under a single version file PDF comprising the following documents:

•        a letter of submission addressed to the Coordinator of the Pamoja Network;

•        a descriptive sheet of the organization presenting the details of the organization (Official name of the Organization, Date of registration, Physical address, Postal address, Telephone, Email, Website if there is one, Number of staff ,local, national, regional or international) as well as previous experiences in the education sector, particularly in adult education area  (to be supported by evidence: Internet links, Certificates, etc.);

•        proof of legal existence in one of the 14 member countries of Pamoja West Africa;

•        a presentation of the preliminary draft good practice in adult education according to the outline given in this opinion.

Only pre-selected CSOs will be contacted for the further steps in the process.

The recruitment terms for this position can be found on the PamojaWest Africa website:

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