As you might know, the United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) is the main forum for sustainable development issues within the UN framework. The HLPF meets every year under the auspices of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to review the progress made in the implementation of SDGs. Every year the set of the goals is chosen for the reviewing; this time the theme will be “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world� (SDG 1,2,3,5,9,14 and SDG 17 every year).
The HLPF adopts a Ministerial Declaration at the conclusion of the three-day ministerial meeting, of which the co-facilitators, the Permanent Representatives of Austria and Jamaica, have already circulated a draft 2017 version. We are very concerned that adult education is not mentioned or considered, having in mind the topic “Eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world�; although SDG 4—about education and lifelong learning is not under the review this year, we believe that importance of it should be mentioned. ICAE will have its representatives on the meeting, but maybe you can also try to do some advocacy for education, lifelong learning and especially adult education through your governments.
You can find the current draft of the Declaration here. If you, or your (ministerial) delegations are participating in the HLPF, we would encourage you to discuss and propose some amendments and changes. We suggest two changes:
To add to the paragraph 3:
Commit to end poverty, hunger and ensure healthy lives everywhere; establish the conditions to maintain this outcome across generations; combat inequalities within and among countries; and heal and secure our planet. We emphasize our commitment to a world in which every country enjoys sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, leading to decent work for all; a world where innovation, industrialization and cooperation in productive capacity can accelerate economic growth.
To add a sentence (at the end of the paragraph 3 or somewhere else, for example to the paragraph 13—poverty reduction, 15—health, 16—gender equality) :
Second information that we would like to share is that Civil Society, including ICAE, is mainly (re)-presented through the EDUCATION AND ACADEMIA STAKEHOLDER GROUP (EASG), which organising partner and co-chair ICAE is. EASG is organizing a side event at the HLPF. We are herby kindly inviting you to this workshop and would be delighted if you could share this information with your colleagues, who will be in New York at the HLPF.
Date & Time Slot: 10 July 2017; 1:15—2:30 PM
Venue: Conference Room B in the UN Conference Building
More information regarding the side event here.
If you are in New York, please let us know, so we can meet, exchange and strategize together!
We thank you very much for your kind support and we are looking forward to meeting some of you in NY.
With our best wishes,
Katarina and Ricarda